Interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of technical writing in two technological institutes in Brazil and Norway




Interdisciplinarity. Integration. Technical Writing. Technological institutes. Autonomy.


The teaching of technical writing to novice STEM researchers in two technological institutes, in Brazil (IFSP) and in Norway (NTNU), has been an interdisciplinary effort that integrates linguistic and technical disciplines, while building on the local context and fostering student autonomy. Within this approach, we use two tools: the career-related Design Thinking framework, in a pedagogical application that teaches writing alongside project development for problem-solving (RODRIGUES; BAPTISTA, 2019); and the Writer’s Wheel (HAAS, 2009), a writing model that guides students to the understanding and management of their own technical scientific writing process. We show how an integrated approach involves drawing appropriately from several disciplines, leading students from convention to innovation, from the development of linguistic, cognitive and technological strategic competence towards autonomy, based on their needs. We find that teaching writing in parallel with project development guides students to understand and manage their own communication process. We outline possible next steps in the improvement of the approach, with regard to theory and educational practice.


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Biografia do Autor

Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço Rodrigues, IFSP São João da Boa Vista

É professora EBTT, câmpus São João da Boa Vista, e Docente do Mestrado em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (ProfEPT), câmpus Sertãozinho, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo.

Doutora em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa (Linguística Cognitiva, Unesp, 2012), com estágio de pós-doutorado realizado no Departamento de Ciências Cognitivas da Case Western Reserve University, em Cleveland, Ohio, EUA (2018/2019). Mestre em Linguística (Argumentação e Retórica, Unifran, 2008). Especialista em Design Instrucional (Unifei, 2015) e em Língua Inglesa (Unifran, 2006). Licenciada em Letras - Português/Inglês (Unifeg, 1997). 

Hana Gustafsson, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Campus Trondheim

Associate Professor, Department of Language and Literature Faculty of Humanities


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Como Citar

RODRIGUES, Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço; GUSTAFSSON, Hana. Interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of technical writing in two technological institutes in Brazil and Norway. Revista Brasileira da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 20, p. e11943, 2021. DOI: 10.15628/rbept.2021.11943. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 mar. 2025.



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