
  • Sebastiana Estefana Torres Brilhante IFRN
  • Francisca Ítala da Silva Paiva Valdevino IFRN
  • Francisco Barros de Oliveira Neto IFRN
  • Francisco Felipe Maia da Silva IFRN
  • Luciana Medeiros Bertini IFRN
  • Leonardo Alcântara Alves IFRN/Câmpus Apodi




Ethanol extracts, natural indicator Acid-Base, Semi-Arid Vegetables


Given the various difficulties to expose the contents of the subject of chemistry is a constant search for alternative materials to facilitate learning. This may partly be due to chemical science to be a significant practical character. However, due to professional educational institutions and material limitations ends up being passed on to the student of predominantly theoretical way, requiring a high degree of abstraction and consequently in their disinterest the same. In this context , we investigated the use of ethanol extracts of various plants, such as: Jitirana (Ipomoea glabra ), Íxora (Ixora coccínea), Centro (Centrosema brasilianum) and Candlebush (Senna alata) flowers, Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) fruit and Urucum (Bixa orellana) seeds as an acids and bases natural indicator, from laboratory tests capable of identifying properties demonstrate the pH. Initially we evaluated the variation in the coloration of extracts using for this buffer solutions at pH 3, 7 and 12. Among the cited vegetable flowers Jitirana, ixora and Centro presented activities relevant indicator as staining variants between pH 2:13. The extracts of plants were further added in glass tubes containing buffer solutions with a pH ranging from 2 to 13. The change in color of the extracts showed good activity has the same pH indicator.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Torres Brilhante, S. E., da Silva Paiva Valdevino, F. Ítala, de Oliveira Neto, F. B., Maia da Silva, F. F., Bertini, L. M., & Alves, L. A. (2015). EVALUATION OF VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM THE SEMI-ARID AS NATURAL pH INDICATOR. HOLOS, 1, 3–12. https://doi.org/10.15628/holos.2015.1868




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