secondary data, legislation, health research.Resumo
Technological advances have resulted in the collection, compilation, and archiving of enormous amounts of information, generating a vast database that can be easily accessible for different purposes around the world. Therefore, despite the potential use of secondary data for research, key issues make it difficult to exploit these resources. Furthermore, it is essential that researchers are aware of these challenges and the legal regulations that may exist on this topic. Thus, within this context, this paper conducts a review of the state of knowledge and documentary research to elucidate some interesting questions about the use of secondary data: What issues are being considered most important in the recent literature on the use of secondary data in research? How is this issue regulated in Brazil, and what are the main legislation and their implications for health research using secondary data?. What precautions should researchers take to ensure the ethical conduct of their work when using health data? Finally, as a result of this essential discussion, a framework is presented containing twenty-three recommendations for clinical investigators and ethics committees in human research, and which may be useful in all phases of research to ensure the ethical conduct of their work when using health data.
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