


Andragogy , Prevention, Safety, Workers


One of the serious problems that occur in any productive or operational system is the lack of culture of prevention and safety at work, resulting in occupational accidents that cause serious injuries or even death. This article presents the case of workers from the Drinking Water Company in the area of ​​construction and maintenance of sewage networks. Its objective was to determine the need for training and the design of andragogic methods to strengthen the culture of prevention. This work is an exploratory type research, in which the inductive method of investigation was used. In order to know about Occupational Health and Safety, and the use of safe work rules and procedures, a diagnosis was made, by means of various information gathering techniques, including job analysis. As a result, the establishment of the degree of knowledge and the shortcomings of training were obtained, allowing the production of appropriate themes with the use of andragogic training models which directly imply the establishment of a preventive culture.


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Biografia do Autor

Medardo Ángel Ulloa Enríquez, Universidad de Granma

Engenheiro Laboral (Universidade Tecnológica Equinocial, Equador). Mestrado em Gestão da Produção (Universidade Técnica de Cotopaxi, Equador). Diploma em Didática do Ensino Superior (Universidade Técnica de Cotopaxi, Equador). Doutor em Ciências Técnicas (PhD) (Oscar Lucero Moya, Holguín, Cuba). Diretor de projetos produtivos na Universidade Técnica de Cotopaxi (Equador). Publicou mais de 15 artigos científicos, tutor de tese de licenciatura e mestrado. A sua investigação baseia-se nos riscos do trabalho, sistemas de qualidade, aspectos ambientais em diferentes áreas de investigação e produção.

Segundo Walter Ushiña Pacha, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial

Profesor. Máster en Seguridad y Prevención de Riesgos

Sergio Florentino Rodríguez Rodríguez, Universidad de Granma

Sergio Florentino Rodríguez Rodríguez: Graduated as an agronomist in 1987 from the University of Matanzas (Cuba). Head of the Department of Genetic Improvement of the Sugar Cane Research Stations in the provinces of Granma and Ciego de Ávila. Added Researcher (1993). Master in Agricultural Sciences in 1999 from the University of Granma (Cuba). Doctor in Agricultural Sciences in 2008 from the University of Granma (Cuba). Professor at the University of Granma. Director of International Relations at the University of Granma from 2008-2017. He has published more than 25 scientific articles as author or co-author, author of two book chapters. He has directed undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses. Coordinator of several international projects and has carried out research stays in Belgium, Chinese, Spain and Argentina. His field of research and teaching is genetics, plant physiology, use of statistics in research, on the topics of stress due to soil flooding, physical and chemical treatments for the seed priming in sugarcane, mulberry, rice and papaya crops and social science. Is the coordinator of the Management Environment Master of the University of Granma, Cuba. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the HOLOS Journal (

Daimara Cobas Hernández, Universidad de Granma

Licenciada en lenguas extranjeras por la Universidad de Oriente, Cuba.

Diana Iris Rodríguez Pelarde, Policlínico Universitario René Vallejo Ortíz. Bayamo. Granma.

Doctora en Estomatología. Investiga en aspectos de la andragogía y efectos odontológicos de extractos vegetales.

Danilo Milanés Zambrano, University of Rwanda

Doctor en Estomatología. Imparte docencia en la Escuela de Dentistas de la Universidad de Ruanda.

Ramiro Remigio Gaibor Fernández, Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo

Ingeniero Agrónomo. Profesor.

Paula Marisol Plaza Zambrano, Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo

Professora. Doutora em Ciências.


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Como Citar

Ulloa Enríquez, M. Ángel, Ushiña Pacha, S. W., Rodríguez Rodríguez, S. F., Cobas Hernández, D., Rodríguez Pelarde, D. I., Milanés Zambrano, D., … Plaza Zambrano, P. M. (2022). ANDRAGOGIC STRATEGIES TO IMPLEMENT THE CULTURE OF SAFETY IN THE SEWERAGE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS OF THE METROPOLITAN PUBLIC COMPANY OF DRINKING WATER AND SANITATION OF ECUADOR. HOLOS, 1, 1–13, 11925.




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