Espiritualidade no trabalho, Web of Science, Bibliométrico.Resumo
The purpose of this article was to analyze the scenario of publications on spirituality in the workplace in an international context, in the last couple of decades (1998-2017). For doing so, a bibliometric study was carried out in order to check the publications characteristics and the related subjects of utmost importance – hot topics. The results show that scientific production about spirituality in the workplace is higher in the field of business and management (60,6%), with a larger number of publications in the Journal of Business Ethics (11,3%) in the United States (36,6%) and in English language (97,7%). There is a gradual increase of publications per year. The main terms related to the topic are: values (6,5), religion (6,0), leadership (6,0), performance (5,5), development (5,5) and purpose (4,9). The results can trace productivity patterns, positive capabilities guided to measure, develop and increase performance at work in order to foster the growth of knowledge on the field of organizational behavior.
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