


Mineral technology, gender, woman, mineral engineering, science, brasil


The insertion of women in the scientific area in engineering has been little studied in Brazil and with the mineral technology is no different. With the objective of generating data for the discussion of the subject in the country, a survey of the female participation in the development of scientific activities between the years of 1973 and 2015 was carried out. These data were collected from the  Proceedings of the Brazilian Meeting of Mineral Treatment and Extractive Metallurgy event that held its first event in 1973, in Rio de Janeiro, under the organization of UFRJ, with 26 events. A pioneer researcher in this area was identified as Profa. Hedda Vargas Figueira (CETEM and UFRJ), who published two articles in the area of Comminution in 1973. During this period, scientific participation was increasing, having surpassed men in recent years. However, it is observed that women do not characterize themselves as leading researchers. The most prominent researcher in this period is Profa. Virginia Sampaio Teixeira Ciminelli (UFMG), with relevant works in the area of hydrometallurgy. It was also observed the increase of publications of articles that only involve women. The work shows strong feminine insertion in science in the area of mineral technology and in teacher renewal these numbers should increase the participation in the academic posts.


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Biografia do Autor

José Yvan Pereira Leite, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Prof Tecnologia Mineral - Laboratório de Tecnologia Mineral IFRN

Arthemis Silva de Oliveira, Laboratório de Tecnologia Mineral - IFRN

Técnica em Mineração, Laboratório de Tecnologia Mineral - IFRN

Vitória Nayara de Lima Frutuoso, Laboratório de Tecnologia Mineral - IFRN

Técnica em Mineração, Laboratório de Tecnologia Mineral - IFRN


Branquinho, C. L. S., (2014). CETEM 35 Anos: Criatividade e Inovação, Centro de Tecnologia Mineral, Rio de Janeiro, 320 p.

Lopes, M. (2012). “Aventureiras” nas ciências: Refletindo sobre gênero e história das ciências naturais no Brasil.Cadernos Pagu, 0(10); 345-368

Sanches, J. G., Bergerman, M. G., Del Roveri, C. A (2016). Expansão do ensino superior no Brasil: um diagnóstico dos cursos de graduação em engenharia de minas. In: XLIV Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia; 2016 Setembro 27-30; Natal, Brasil. (COBENGE). p. 1–9.

Silva, A. C. (2013). Comissão Organizadora. In: Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios, organização. Anais do Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios

Villas Boas, R. C. E. (1973). Comissão Organizadora. In: Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios, organização. Anais do XL Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios




Como Citar

Leite, J. Y. P., Oliveira, A. S. de, & Frutuoso, V. N. de L. (2018). GENDER ANALYSIS IN THE SCIENTIFIC PARTICIPATION IN MINERAL TECHNOLOGY. HOLOS, 4, 253–260.




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