Fouling control of carbonates in process water pipes by the addition of polyacrylates



Fouling, scale formation, polyacrylate.


An industrial ore treatment facility, located in the Iron Quadrangle (Brazil), was used for the study of scale formation in pipes. Scale formation is predominantly carbonatic on iron mineral processing. The determination of the best fouling inhibitor polymer was done by dynamic efficiency tests, by fouling measurements performed by ultrasonic monitoring (using On Guard 3S) and by mass monitoring of carbon steel test coupons introduced into industrial pipes. A preliminary analysis was performed for the pumped liquid and it was possible to notice a high correlation between water hardness and scale formation rate. As determined by dissolution by hydrochloric acid and absorption spectroscopy in the infrared spectral region, the scale is carbonatic due to the presence of calcium ions. The dynamic efficiency tests showed that Polystabil VZ and Polystabil KWS (polyacrylates) presented an antifouling character, Polystabil KWS having higher efficiency. The insertion of fouling test coupons provided similar results regarding the efficiency level. Polystabil KWS has resulted in scale values within acceptable parameters for dosages of 6 ppm. As a result of this study, industrial application of the tested product was already adopted in a large iron ore mining company


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Biografia do Autor

André Teodoro Coelho Moreira Pinto, Solenis

Químico industrial (Universidade Vale Rio Doce) com especialização em beneficiamento de minérios (Departamento de Engenharia de Minas da UFOP).

Gerente de Área na Solenis empresa global na área de reagentes químicos de processo, funcionais e para tratamento de águas, bem como sistemas de monitoramento e controle de ponta e suporte especializado.


José Aurélio Medeiros da Luz, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Departamento de Engenharia de Minas da Escola de Minas da UFOP; área de tratamento minérios.

Pedro Henrique Neuppmann, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto e Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso

Engenheiro de Minas pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto e mestre em Engenharia Mineral, com ênfase em Tratamento de Minérios, pela mesma universidade,. Técnico em Mineração pelo CEFET — Araxá.


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Como Citar

Pinto, A. T. C. M., da Luz, J. A. M., & Neuppmann, P. H. (2022). Fouling control of carbonates in process water pipes by the addition of polyacrylates. HOLOS, 3. Recuperado de




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