


Nanotechnology, Nano-products, Nanomaterials, Construction, Architecture.


This work presents a review of the scientific literature that deals with the use of nanoscience and nanotechnology in architecture and construction industry in view of letting architects, builders, real estate promoters and interested parties know the scope that various nanomaterials, existing in the construction market, have and that can be used in this activity’s everyday tasks from a sustainable and durable approach to architecture and construction. As a result we present, in an orderly and classified manner, a list of nano-products that can be applied to architecture and construction in building structures, covers and installations with an approach based on the architectonic and constructive durability of each component. It is concluded that there are numerous nano-products with different uses and applications still insufficient for all the construction needs, with important applications however, in relation to the improvement of the durability and degradation of materials (mainly concrete and steel), the efficiency of equipment and devices such as batteries, photovoltaic cells, electrical conductors, OLED lamps, water filters, paints, sealants, windowpanes, electronical components, architectural finishes, among other products.


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Biografia do Autor

Silverio Hernández-Moreno, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Profesor Investigador de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño.

Sara Cristina Solache de la Torre, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Estudiante del Programa de Maestría en Diseño con énfasis en Arquitectura.


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Como Citar

Hernández-Moreno, S., & Solache de la Torre, S. C. (2017). NANO-TECHNOLOGICAL PRODUCTS IN ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. HOLOS, 2, 34–51.




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