Construction materials and components, Energy efficiency in buildings, Expanded polystyrene, ICF system, RTQ-RResumo
Insulated concrete form (ICF) is an evolving construction system that could offer desired advantages in civil construction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thermo-energetic behavior of the ICF for use in low-income housing under climate conditions of São Paulo city – Brazilian bioclimatic zone 3. By using the Brazilian Technical Regulation of Quality for the Energy Efficiency Level of Residential Buildings (RTQ-R), the performance of the envelope of a single-family dwelling was analyzed by comparing the ICF system with materials conventionally used in walls. The analysis showed that ICF allow more energy efficient dwellings than masonry in ceramic or concrete bricks. The innovative construction system offers better conditions for summer and winter analysis. Compared to the bricks used in Brazilian civil construction and considering low solar absorptance in envelope, the ICF can offer a superior performance in 6.4% for summer and 15.9% for winter. With high solar absorptance envelope, the ICF can offer superior performance in 11.5% for summer and 20.8% for winter. The results demonstrate the good performance of the technique and suggest its application to obtain energy efficient buildings that contribute to sustainability.
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