



media discourse, ordinary person, Russia, Sweden, everyday life, similarity to life


This paper is based on the results of the research project “Media Discourses on Material and Ethnic Gaps. A comparative study in St Petersburg and Stockholm” financed by the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (Sweden). One of the main sections of the project was focused on ordinary persons’ portrayal in comparison with images of so-called celebrities in the regional media. Russian and Swedish scholars used a set of methods such as content analysis of newspapers and TV, expert in-depth interviews, and focus groups (2013, Spring - Summer). In fact, common men appeared rarely in TV excerpts and newspaper articles, especially in Russia. At the same time non-commons were shown in the majority of Russian TV and print media items while Swedish media give the opposite proportions. To explain gaps between Russian and Swedish findings one needs to take into account different social and mental traditions in these countries. The difference has been revealed within expert interviews and focus groups. 


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Biografia do Autor

Sergey G. Korkonosenko, Saint Petersburg State University

Department of Theory of Journalism and Mass Communications; Professor, Department Chair, Vice-director on research of School of Journalism and Mass Communications

Marina A. Berezhnaya, Saint Petersburg State University

Department of the TV and Radio Journalism of Institute “School of Journalism and Mass Communications”, Dr. in Philology, Professor and Chair


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Como Citar

Korkonosenko, S. G., & Berezhnaya, M. A. (2016). ORDINARY PERSON IN MEDIA: PUBLIC INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. HOLOS, 2, 432–449. https://doi.org/10.15628/holos.2016.4036




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