Self-Heating Analysis of 1570 nm InGaAsP Buried Tunnel Junction Photonic Crystal VCSEL




Self-heating analysis, InGaAsP, Buried tunnel junction (BTJ), Photonic crystal (PhC), Vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL).


In this paper, the lattice temperature in an InP-based 1570 nm InGaAsP buried tunnel junction photonic crystal vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (BTJ-PhC VCSEL) was varied between 280 K until 370 K and its effects on the characteristics of the device was investigated. The temperature profiles of the BTJ-PhC VCSEL are obtained iteratively by considering their temperature-dependent material properties and the spatial distribution of all the significant heat sources. The thermal resistance used to model the electrical contacts causes about 8 K temperature increment above the ambient temperature (300 k) at a bias of 3 V and a 10.865 % increase in the threshold current is observed with temperature increment. This paper provides key results of the device characteristics upon lattice temperature, including the light power versus electrical voltage, the threshold current versus temperature, the wall-plug efficiency and the differential quantum efficiency versus temperature. Furthermore, various elements of heat sources within the active region were analyzed upon the increment of lattice temperature.


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Como Citar

Sabaghi, M. (2018). Self-Heating Analysis of 1570 nm InGaAsP Buried Tunnel Junction Photonic Crystal VCSEL. HOLOS, 8, 35–48.




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