Food service, food waste, sustainability, food handler.Resumo
This study aimed to evaluate solid waste management in a restaurant by the quantification of wastes in all production processes and to promote strategies and actions to reduce them. For the food waste was considered plate waste and leftovers. Regarding the actions to minimize food waste, the authors appointed some recommendations to improve the food service process. A total of 14.934 Kg of organic waste and 2.030 kg of inorganic waste was observed during a 30-days production. The leftover-ingestion index pointed out a high average value which can impact wasted meals and higher costs. The results showed an environmental management problem relating to solid waste generation, highlighting the necessity of optimizing the meal production process for the improvement of sustainable practices, particularly related to environmental education. Food waste has indeed become an issue of great public concern. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development reflects the increased global awareness of the problem. The concepts of sustainable management have increasingly been on many agendas of the business associations, especially the foodservice and production of collective meals.
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