


tourism, European Union, regional policy, interregional cooperation, INTERREG


The purpose of this article is the answer of the question if interregional cooperation supported by economic policy of UE fosters tourism development and if yes in what way. The relation between tourism and interregional cooperation is relatively seldom analysed in comparison with other strands of territorial cooperation such as crossborder and transnational cooperation. This results from specific philosophy of interregional cooperation.

In order to achieve the purpose of the paper it was necessary to present the system of interregional cooperation management and model of tourism in European Union. The paper analyses the period 2007 – 2013 when INTERREG IVC provided funding for interregional cooperation across Europe.

The overall objective of the INTERREG IVC Programme was to improve the effectiveness of regional policies and instruments with special attention to the areas of support such as:

• innovation and the knowledge economy,

• environment and risk prevention. 

Tt could be assumed that it had been possible to  include tourism in tourism projects implemented within Interreg IV C. To prove it the qualitative and quantitative analysis of 204 projects divided into 12 themes has been done. Aditionally the database of good practices was analyzed. The analysis of its documents allowed to identify 60 tourism-related good practices. These practices focused on cultural and sustainable tourism.


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Biografia do Autor

Tomasz Studzieniecki, Gdynia Maritime University

Akademia Morska w Gdyni: Gdynia, PolandLecturer (Department of Economics of Services)PhD, Economics (Department of Economics) - Uniwersytet Gdanski: Sopot, Poland


Jakson Renner Rodrigues Soares, Universidade da Coruña

Professor na Escola Universitaria de Turismo-CENP da UDC e no Departamento de Comercialização e Investigação de Mercados na Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.


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Como Citar

Studzieniecki, T., & Soares, J. R. R. (2017). INTERREGIONAL TOURISM COOPERATION: A EUROPE CASE STUDY. HOLOS, 4, 135–158.




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