



Flooding, soil, physical properties


In Cuba the 40,3 % of cultivated lands is located in poorly drained soils, with tendency to increase, compounded by the effects of current climate change, which in this region of Cuba are becoming with more frecuency in extreme climatic events such as droughts and floods. The researh was developed with the objective of determing the influence of flooding in a Vertisol soil in three physical properties in the Cauto River Valley, of the Granma province. It was considered the presence or absence of flooding as the principal factor on large plots, each one divided into 30 plots of 48 m2, to facilitate take replicate samples. Two samplings, one at the beginning of the experiement and the other five months later, when the soil flooded concluded. The average of the bulk density, total porosity and aeration porosity values with their standard errors were plotted by bars, while statistically discriminated with the use of the Student t test. It is concluded that prolongated water excess in the soil increased bulk density and makes it significally decreases the total aeration and porosity, which affects physical fertility of these soils and a decrease of the sugarcane yield, the principal crop in Cuba yet.


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Biografia do Autor

Sergio Florentino Florentino Rodríguez, Universidad de Granma. Cuba

Diretor de Relaciones Internacionales. Universidad de Granma.

Medardo Ángel Ulloa Enríquez, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi. Ecuador

Docente investigador - Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi

Doctor en Ciencias Tecnicas

Luis Rodríguez Larramendi, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas

Profesor Investigador Titular de Tiempo Completo - Facultad de IngenieríaUniversidade  de Ciencias y Artes de ChiapasMexico

Francisco Guevara Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas

Profesor-Investigador TitularUniversidad Autonoma de Chiapas: Villaflores, Chiapas, Mexico

Iliana Árias Yero, Universidad de Granma

 Máster en Gestión y Desarrollo de Cooperativas (Estudios Socioculturales)

Universidad de Granma: Bayamo. , Granma. , Cuba


Iliana Árias Yero, Universidad de Granma

 Máster en Gestión y Desarrollo de Cooperativas (Estudios Socioculturales)

Universidad de Granma: Bayamo. , Granma. , Cuba


Ángel Luis Mercado Ollarzábal, Universidad de Granma

Subdirector de InformatizaciónUniversidad de Granma: Granma, Bayamo, Cuba    


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Como Citar

Rodríguez, S. F. F., Enríquez, M. Ángel U., Escalona, Y. P., Larramendi, L. R., Guevara Hernández, F., Árias Yero, I., … Fonseca Flores, M. (2016). DISTURBANCES CAUSED BY FLOODS IN THREE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF A VERTISOL SOIL IN THE EAST REGION OF CUBA, CULTIVATED WITH SUGARCANE (Saccharum spp.). HOLOS, 4, 115–129. https://doi.org/10.15628/holos.2016.4658




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