
  • Adilson Schackow Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Débora Ganasini State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Center of Technological Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, 89219-710, Joinville - SC, Brazil.
  • Décio Marcon Neto State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Center of Technological Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, 89219-710, Joinville - SC, Brazil.
  • Carmeane Effting State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Center of Technological Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, 89219-710, Joinville - SC, Brazil.
  • Gustavo Aurélio Cifuentes State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Center of Technological Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, 89219-710, Joinville - SC, Brazil.



Fly ash concrete, High-volume fly ash, Mechanical properties, Statistical analysis


This paper had the objective of statistically analyzing the effects of the substitution of high levels of fly ash in concretes. It was produced reference concretes and concretes containing fly ash with substitutions of 30, 50, and 70% of the Portland cement mass. The water/cement material relations in these concretes ranged between 0.45, 0.50, and 0.55. With these parameters, it was conducted a factorial project 32 to analyze the results concerning the mechanical properties of compressive strength and consistency index of the concretes. It was elaborated nine concrete mixtures and their replicates. With the results obtained, it was performed a statistical analysis using ANOVA, Pareto Diagram and Tukey Test. The regression models obtained were adequate, with acceptable values of R2. The validation of the model occurred through two concretes with water/cement material ratios of 0.475 and 60 % of substitution of fly ash in relation to the Portland cement. This mixture presented an average compressive strength of 33.38 MPa at 115 days. The study showed that the ground fly ash was the most significant factor to the mechanical resistance of the concretes, significantly contributing to the increase of the compressive strength in advanced ages.


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Biografia do Autor

Adilson Schackow, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC)

Centro de Ciências Tecnológicas

Departamento de engenharia civil

Laboratório de materiais de construção civil - sala H10

Débora Ganasini, State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Center of Technological Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, 89219-710, Joinville - SC, Brazil.

Civil Engineer. She received her BS (Bachelor of Science) from UDESC, and MS (Master of Science) from Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, UDESC. Her research interests include building materials.

Décio Marcon Neto, State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Center of Technological Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, 89219-710, Joinville - SC, Brazil.

Civil Engineer and Professor collaborator at the Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). He received his BS from UDESC, and MS from Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, UDESC. His research interests include durability of concrete and building materials.

Carmeane Effting, State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Center of Technological Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, 89219-710, Joinville - SC, Brazil.

Research Professor at the Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, UDESC. She received her BS (civil engineering) and MS (science and engineering of materials) from UDESC and Doctorate degree (Civil engineering) from Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Her research interests include building materials.

Gustavo Aurélio Cifuentes, State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), Center of Technological Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, 89219-710, Joinville - SC, Brazil.

Civil Engineer. He received his BS from UDESC, and MS from Civil Engineering Postgraduate Program, UDESC. His research interests civil building structures and numerical simulation.


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Como Citar

Schackow, A., Ganasini, D., Marcon Neto, D., Effting, C., & Cifuentes, G. A. (2020). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF PROPERTIES OF HIGH-VOLUME FLY ASH CONCRETES AS CEMENT REPLACEMENT. HOLOS, 8, 1–20.

