Remotely operated vehicle-based methodology for the reduction of costs and operational delays associated with rock dredging for channel deepening




ROV, underwater blasting, channel deepening, waterway, rock dredging.


Rock dredging for river channel deepening presents problems concerning the identification of whether the blasted rock is properly fragmented for the following operations and whether the excavation and disposal reach the determined project level. These issues lead to decision making that involves expensive equipment and vessel movement procedures that can result in an increase in costs and time. After characterizing and analyzing all underwater blasting and rock excavation procedures, a new methodology was developed to improve this process by applying a low-cost observation remotely operated vehicle. The tasks of the vehicle focus on monitoring and controlling some key procedures, improving the operating time and identifying operation fail points, in addition to helping to control the environmental impact. The proposed methodology was tested in São Paulo, Brazil, where the deepening of a river channel has been used to expand the waterway. The results of the tests show a 37% saving in time and a 32% saving in cost


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Biografia do Autor

Oswaldo Menta Simonsen Nico, Universidade de São Paulo

NAP- Mineração Departamento de engenharia e petróleo da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (POLI_USP)

Área: Gerenciamento de Projetos de mineração/ Petróleo, Mineração sustentável, derrocagem subaquática, ROV

Ricardo Cabral de Azevedo, Universidade de São Paulo

NAP-Mineração; Projeto ROV; Departamento de Engenharia de Minas e Petroleo da Universidade de São Paulo

Giorgio de Tomi, Universidade de São Paulo

NAP-Mineração, Projeto ROV, Departamento de Minas e Petróleo, Universidade de São Paulo


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Como Citar

Nico, O. M. S., de Azevedo, R. C., & de Tomi, G. (2021). Remotely operated vehicle-based methodology for the reduction of costs and operational delays associated with rock dredging for channel deepening. HOLOS, 1, 1–21.




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