Tecnologia da Informação, Gestão Pública, Ferramentas, GerênciaAbstract
This article brings to light a literary review on the role of Information Technology (IT) on the use of technological mechanisms for the improvement of public administrations which crave forms of modernization and efficiency adopting management models and tools fleeing from a vision traditionalist and centralizer of operating a public machine emphasize the principles that govern any administration such as informational transparency. At this point, an IT expands the range of options for the public manager allowing research and the use of a broader approach to the solution of administrative problems. The methodology used for this exploratory research was conceived in a bibliographic mapping of scientific productions that address the central theme of the article taking advantage of the databases of the CAPES Journal Portal, Web of Science, Brazilian Digital Library, Scielo and Dissertations. The survey found a huge lack of integration between cross-sector information and bad governance practices among other problems that IT has this role of helping to improve the provision of public service.References
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