
  • Danilo Moreira dos Santos Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco



Auxílio emergencial cultural, Medida pública excepcional, Trabalhadores da cultura, Covid-19, Juazeiro-BA


The negative impacts of the pandemic significantly affected several sectors of society, including the creative economy sector constituted by the segment of artistic-cultural workers, requiring public administrations, including at the municipal level, specific strategic measures focused on addressing the issue and support to workers harmed. This paper seeks to identify and analyze the results of the Cultural Emergency Benefit Afonso Conselheiro carried out in the city of Juazeiro-BA in 2021 as an exceptional public measure front of the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the examining the profile of the cultural proponents which were contemplated, in addition to the contrast with the set of the registrated. Using the Microsoft Excel program, graphs were drawn up and percentage calculations are carried out to qualification of exploratory-based and qualitative-quantitative analyzes, which, using basic descriptive statistics resources, examining data derived from the register carried out by the Secretary of Culture, Tourism and Sport - Seculte of the municipality. From these analyses, one can see nuances that allow to validate the positive character of the implementation of Cultural Emergency Benefit and its general impacts in the analyzed local context, convergent with a momentary social support and an economic reinforcement to social protection of culture workers and events in the municipality, despite the influence of idiosyncrasies and obstacles related their results and their implementation process.


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