About the Journal

Journals’s History

In 2009 begun the Observatory of International Commerce, that were proposed by the teachers MSc. Elisângela Cabral de Meireles and Dr. João Maria Filgueira, as a repository of monographs (transformed in articles) for the International Commerce classes of Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET).

The repository was functioning periodically until the teacher Msc. José Yvan Pereira Leite (in memorian) and Dra. Lúcia de Fátima Lúcio Gomes brought the proposal to transform the repository in a scientific journal, consulting the students to choose the name, that was EmpiricaBR.

In 2021, the journal was being reorganized, and the teacher Dr. Anna Cecília Chaves Gomes was assigned as the Chief Editor. In that time, she prioritized the return to the old regularity, a revitalization of the editorial board and new research’s indexers.

Focus and scope

The revista Empirica is a free online scientific journal that publishes only articles that are original and unpublished in the areas of Organizational management and IT. The areas that we focus are: Administration and management, tourism, accounting sciences and computational science.

Assessment per pairs

The articles are assessed by the method Double Blind Review, where each article is assessed by two evaluators that are high graduated in the area. This system consists in a evaluation where the article is assessed without the identification, to guarante more impersonality, besides the authors also don´t receive the evalutarors identification


The Empírica magazine, by 2022, publishes articles semesterly, trying to be hard on its pontuality.

Privacy Policy

Names, data and adresses informed in the Empírica magazine are only used for the publication, so they aren´t disponibilized for other purposes or people.

Free acess policy

This magazine offers immediate free acesso for it contente, trying to achieve the democratization of the scientific knowledge. By this way, it´s possible to use the researches after the publication without a previous autorization of the author or editor. Besides this, our magazine don´t charge fees from its authors for the submission, even in the publication.

Main public

Reaching the academics, students, lecturers and researches, is the journal's focus. Focusing on the areas of Public Administration and Management, IT, Accounting and Actuary Sciences and tourism.
